A prescindere dall'aver gradito o meno l'ultima serie, il percorso di questi sei anni rimane indimenticabile, e forse unico!!! Ancora più bello per me è aver condiviso parte di questo viaggio con voi!! Grazie di cuore!!
Copio direttamente, senza cambiare una virgola, dal sito di Lyly Ford, la fortunata skater in possesso del famigerato script. Quindi prima di tutto, la credito doverosamente e la ringrazio per aver pubblicato le parti più interessanti! Siccome non sono poche :) intanto comincio con le prime due, per concludere il tutto nei prossimi post.. che seguiranno a breve, promesso :)
She rolls over, orienting herself….pershaps thinking that she’s not still trapped in a cage wearing the same clothes and smelling like a weatsock. But alas…SHE IS. CHLINK! Kate GLANCES accross from her CAGE over to—
SAWYER’S. And there he sits. A PILE OF SMALL ROCKS to his side. He picks up a rock, sidearms it at the FORK & KNIFE BUTTON on the GIZMO accross his cage and —- CHLINK
Kate Hey
Sawyer Hey yourself.
Kate what are you doing ?
Sawyer Throwin’ rocks.
Kate I thought you had to pull the lever—
Sawyer —I know how to get a damn fish biscuit.
Kate sense something in his tone. Hee’s not annoyed — no…it’s more like he’s just…OVER IT. and Kate ? Hops up.
Kate then get me one.
Sawyer (rolls his eyes) what ? you tryin’ to keep me feelin’ productive ?
and Kate ? she doesn’t appreciate that one bit. Kneels down, rubs some DIRT on her hands… and a moment later, she’s CLIMBING UP THE SIDE OF HER CAGE. and we know from #304 that she’s capable of squeezing out the top.
Sawyer what the hell you think you’re doin’ ?
Kate Nothin. You just keep throwin’ your rocks.
Sawyer You ain’t comin’ over here—-
Kate Be quiet or you’re gonna make me fall.
She stops, gets her balance and reaches for the top rung, hoisting her body up in one swift move— Kate starts to SQUEEEEEEEEEEEZE through the bars at the top of her cage…
Sawyer Damnit Freckles —- stay put. It’s broad daylight. they see you climbin’ outta here…
And that is precisely when kate FREEZES. Because with her head poking through the top of her cage, she SEES SOMETHING.
is ALEX. SHe’s crouched down, digging into a CANVAS BAG
Kate HEY !
Alex STARTLES. Looks up, SURPRISED to see Kate at the top of her cage looking right at her. but a moment later — quite CALMLY— Alex holds her finger to her LIPS —- SHHHH
Sawyer, of course can’t see Alex at all.
Sawyer Who you talkin’ to
Kate Shhhhh
Sawyer DOn’t “shhhh” me ! you’re the one shoutin’ “HEY”!
Kate there ‘s a girl out there.
Sawyer What ?
And before Kate can open her mouth to tell him to shup up, she sees Alex removing whatever she was digging around in that bag for — which is, in fact…
A HARDCORE SLINGSHOT. Alex fixes the handmade BRACE to her forearm as she puts a BIG ROCK in the STRAP…
Kate’s eyes widen as Alex takes SIGHT…RIGHT AT HER. PULLS THE STRAP BACK. Kate SQUIRMS—-but she’s WEDGED between the bars, no way to duck, she’s DEAD IN ALEX’S SIGHTS AS…
ZIPS about TEN FEET OVER Kate’s head — and as we WHIP around to TRACK ITS MOTION, we’re there just in time to see—-
Kate reacts. And we may have know this for awhile now, but it’s news to Kate. They were beeing WATCHED.
Kate what are you doing ?!
Alex (duh?) i’m getting you out !
Meanwhile, she’s scrambling around trying to find ANOTHER ROCK but that’s when—
CROMP! Kate’s eyes INSTINCTIVELY GO TO THE COMPOUND BUILDING just as the DOOR OPENS— someone is COMING OUT— Kate looks back to where Alex was croushed…
But—-POOF—-She’s GONE.
SKATE SCENE WITH PICKETT (at the end we didn’t see them walking together too bad it wasn’t in the episode) :
Kate in her CAGE. at the BARS when a NOISE FROM THE TREE LINE brings her attention to—-PICKETT and TWO OTHERS (one of whom is named JASON) as they stride purposefully up to Kate’s cage. Pickett UNLOCKS the door—
Picket C’mon.Time for work
And Kate noticed only one LUNCH PAIL—-and nobody’s rousting Sawyer for work. in fact, Kate looks over Pickett’s shoulder at Sawyer’s CAGE where Sawyer LIES ON HIS BACK, SHIRT OFF. Sunning himself on top of the RAISED PART OF HIS ENCLOSURE.
Kate what about him ?
Pickett pastes on a SMILE that’s about as phony as a nine dollar bill.
Pickett he’s got the day off
and that doesn’t add up for Kate. Why would Pickett give Sawyer—the guy who busted his nose—the guy who he HATES— a day OFF? and so, DEFIANT—
Kate If he’s not working, neither am I.
The smile never leaves his face. and it’s CREEPY.
Pickett you’re not, huh ?
Sawyer just go, Freckles.
Kate looks over to Sawyer’s cage…something in his voice that she’s unfamiliar with. DEFEAT.
Sawyer Man wants to give me a day off, let him give me a day off.
Kate (resolved) No. we’re a team. you break the rocks. I haul ‘em.
and NOW the smile is gone from Pickett’s face. he takes MENACING step forward—
Pickett you might wanna stop acting like you got some say in the matter, Freckles
Other Danny—
Pickett (spins, intense) What, Jason ?
other/jason Not yet.
And Pickett? Processes. then shakes his head, WHATEVER as he walks over to Sawyer’s cage. UNLOCK IT—
Pickett all right…Fine. Lord knows I wouldn’t wanna break up the team.
But right before Pickett opens Sawyer’ss door, he throws him a look. A look that seems to say— I’m gonna do a lot worse than break up the team, buddy boy.
Pickett roughly pushes Sawyer out of his cage towards a waiting Kate. Moves off as he BARK at Jason
Pickett Take ‘em to the runway.
ON KATE AND SAWYER as Jason and the other DUDE begin to walk them towards the walkway—
Sawyer what the hell was that about ?
Kate it’s about me not letting you out of my sight
and OFF that declaration—and Sawyer HATING that she essentially just STUCK UP for him—
Le foto le rubo molto vigliaccamente dal sito Kate and Sawyer, quindi mi tocca umilmente creditare le ragazze che se ne occupano!! Cmq altro che lavoro, questi mi sa proprio che si divertono sempre :)